SaskCulture E-Update for November

SaskCulture news on a volunteer conference, NIB fund, & a UNESCO conference.

Saskatchewan Advanced Education Minister Presents at UNESCO General Conference

Tina Beaudry-Mellor, Minister of Saskatchewan Advanced Education, was invited to open the November 12, 2019 evening panel on arts education at the UNESCO General Conference, taking place in Paris until November 27. Her presentation was related to a global competencies framework the Canadian Ministers of Education Council (CMEC) has been working on. Minister Beaudry-Mellor shared information and successes from the Artists in School and LIVE Arts programs with the global audience.

New Federal Cabinet Announced

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau unveiled a new cabinet including Steven Guilbeault as Minister of Canadian Heritage, as well as Bardish Chagger as Minister of the new Diversity and Inclusion and Youth department.

Save the Date: National Volunteerism Conference

The Volunteer Management Professionals of Canada and the Administrators of Volunteer Resources-Saskatchewan are co-hosting the Conference on Volunteerism in Saskatoon on June 8-10, 2020. More details will be available online here as they are confirmed.

NIB Trust Fund Open for Applications

The National Indian Brotherhood (NIB) Trust Fund for Groups and Organizations is now accepting online applications for education programs aimed at education, healing and reconciliation. The funds in NIB have been made available through the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement and are available to First Nations and Métis citizens and organizations to access through a competitive application process. The application deadline is January 17, 2020; click to learn more or to submit an application.

SaskCulture Inc. | [email protected] |

#404 -2125 11th Ave.

Regina, SK

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F. (306) 780-9252

November 23, 2019 | Communications Chair

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